Texas Insurance Claims Depend on Negotiation
If you were in a car accident or boating accident, you will want to file for an insurance claim. Requesting insurance should be a simple process, but in many cases the insurance adjuster won’t give you what you deserve. The following steps outline a typical process for insurance claim collection and how to maximize what you can claim.
Writing a Demand Letter
In Texas, the “Demand Letter” is the first thing that needs to be sent to the insurance adjuster. The demand letter outlines what damage was done and what monetary cost that translates to. Let’s say your brand new truck was totaled by a driver going through a red light. Here you can request that the other driver’s insurance pay for the total value of your truck, any medical costs you incurred, and even for lost wages due to injuries. You may include photos of the damage and any receipts along with the letter.
The insurance company will likely respond with a “Reservation of Rights” letter. This letter may sound harsh, but it essentially says that the insurance company is investigating the damages and your claim.
Insurance Claim Negotiation
The insurance adjuster will respond to your claim after the insurance company investigates. It is rare for an insurance adjuster to outright agree to the full dollar value of your claim. The insurance company is a for-profit business, so they will almost always respond with a much lower dollar value amount to maximize their bottom line. Instead of accepting the offer, make a reasonable counter offer. This shows the adjuster that you’re willing to negotiate. You can use photos and even appeal to emotion. Make the adjuster understand what you went through and and what you’ll have to go through to get back to normal.
Legal Options for Insurance Claims in Texas
If the insurance adjuster responds with an offer so low or just won’t budge, you have legal options. In many cases insurance lawyers can win a substantial claim for you, sometimes greater than what was originally requested. Even the threat of court may sway the insurance company to work with you, as going to court can be a very timely process for them.
If you need legal help with an insurance claim in Galveston, League City or anywhere in Texas, contact us today.
Credit: NOLO