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Stay Safe During the Holidays!

Like most people this holiday season, you will likely be travelling to visit relatives. You are thinking about how excited the kids will be for their presents or what you will bring to the dinner table. While you are on your way to see family members you should also keep in mind another thing: safety on the roads. This time of year is especially dangerous for drivers.

Eat, drink and be merry, but don’t drive

Cocktails and Champagne go hand in hand with Christmas and New Year’s Eve. When the party ends a high number of people decide to drink and drive. In fact drunk drivers are the cause of 40 percent of traffic crash deaths over the two holidays, a 12 percent increase over the rest of the month. The worst thing imaginable would be to lose a loved one during a time meant for family.

An average of 300 people die in accidents in the U.S. every year during the days surrounding Christmas and New Year’s. The families of these victims must deal with the heartache that follows. Many families seek compensation through wrongful death lawsuits in these cases. Although compensation will not bring back their loved ones, it is important to hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions.

Plan ahead to stay safe this season

During the holiday celebrations it will be hard to avoid a drink or two. If you drink then find a safe ride home with a sober driver or a cab. If you absolutely must drink and drive then know that there are no ways to speed up sobriety. Coffee or exercise might fend off drowsiness for a little while, but your reaction time will still be delayed. Play it safe and find a ride this holiday.

Tylka Law Firm represents clients in League City, Texas, and throughout surrounding areas, including Galveston, Houston, Jefferson County, Chambers County, Alvin, Angleton, Texas City, Baytown, Pearland, Galveston County, Brazoria County, Harris County and throughout the Texas Gulf Coast.

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